When you understand these are average places, that are meeting that standard of meeting someone, it would be a better question to ask, ‘am I looking for something average? And is average something that I am?’
Category: Dating
Where to find love?
Where to find someone outside a dating app?
It is a question I have been asking myself.
Not just lately, but it has been coming back more and more in recent days.
I have wondered already for a long time.
What are the options when it comes to finding someone?
Perhaps even when it comes to love.
But that part of love of is not necessary for me to answer.
In general I am curious and would like to know what else is there, when it comes to meeting someone.
A love spell
My vision when it comes to men is dark as days and I will tell you why.
They told me lies for their own sake.
Put blame on my shoulder, to avoid taking their responsibility.
Named me names and spread them for people to hear someone I wasn’t.
Went behind my back with another girl or tried to be with me while they were already involved.
Used me as a shield for their own protection.
Making me feel worthless by the words they used.
Touched me at places without my consent.
Walked away with my pride, to tell other people how great they were.
Then smiled at me, like nothing ever happened.
One punched me in the face, but I have to say he was gay.
The other thought it was ok to harass me, because he didn’t get his way.
The importance of a love relationship is an expectation to live
To say, to live a life, it is important to have.
A source to live from, to feel good about ourselves. To know we will make it one day rely on the fact that we can bounce back and overcome those hurdles of life that are sometimes a pain in the ass.
Is having a love relationship important?
In my previous story I am giving an example based on a story that I heard from a Japanese fellow.
On how Japanese people start having a relationship first, before going on a first date.
With this in mind, it seems quite simple I would say.
To start a relationship.
And I believe in the quest of understanding what the start is of a relationship.
I believe it is the question to be asked first.
Is having a love relationship important?
What is the start of a love relationship?
A Japanese guy explaining that Japanese people start having a relationship, to go on a first date.
I needed to let that sink.
‘Is that something possible?’
Was something that I thought.
The start of coming together is different from what it is known, in Western reality.
The tools of love
Something is happening.
And I find it hard to express.
I have been on this road before and I have said things then also.
Is this a mindfuck of what I am thinking?
I can see my thoughts and everything that comes with it.
However, nothing really happens.
I think that is for the better.
And then my life continues again.
What is your type when it comes to love?
It would be built up from inside out.
With saying this, I mean to say that the eye also wants something.
Ugly, wouldn’t suit me, just because I am not that.
A bright mind would help also.
But most important is that feeling of protection and safety.
Love starts with making the right decision
Where I make the decision if that dating app is a ground to find that someone that is good for my heart.
I guess another boundaries I am putting.
Where I have the experience that I remain believing in love.
And if it isn’t that, a commitment where I can keep believing in myself.
Love can leave a mark on your heart
Love is hidden in conversations, meetings and situations.
Just a few examples.
How we think and what we believe.
What we want and crave.
What makes our heart beat or just that we want to listen to some music and sit in silence.
Because when we think and see it like it is connected to male or female, we are missing out on a lot.
On what love truly is about.
What it has in store for us and how we can live a life full of love.
Don’t we all just want that?