So many things that are going through my mind.
One of them is how to start this story.
As easy as writing sometimes may look.
It isn’t always.
That is just a true reality.
My writing starts with some kind of sentence that sticks with me.
That is how the story unfolds with me.
A thought or an image that stays somehow.
For me to translate it into human words.
What we need to read or just what I like to make of it.
That is the freedom of what I keep.
A creation of becoming a story of love.
And so it starts.
Something came to my attention.
Not that long ago.
A reel I saw on Instagram.
A Japanese guy explaining that Japanese people start having a relationship, to go on a first date.
I needed to let that sink.
‘Is that something possible?’
Was something that I thought.
The start of coming together is different from what it is known, in Western reality.
In Western culture people go on dates first, to have sex and call it an official relationship after.
And that is still all a bit unsure.
Many things can happen in between that.
What I try to say, that dating in this kind of way is not necessarily a success of making it into a relationship.
Just an outlayed path that is out there.
And that is why I was also amazed to hear this Japanese way of starting a relationship.
Of course I don’t know the background behind it and what is more to that story.
It just showed the difference in how we can perceive the start of a relationship.
If that is love related is still a question.
What is the start of a love relationship?
Is what I started to think.
It’s interesting for me.
Since I am on that road for myself.
Of relationships and what that all means.
Because the Western way is not always a guarantee to start a relationship.
A world I have come to know and explored in my own way.
I am leaving in the middle if this guarantee for having a relationship is something we want or are looking for.
And that is exactly my point.
Perhaps there is too much freedom, or just loose ends.
It could all be.
It is making this Western way of finding a relationship a bit unstable for me to find this as a start to having a relationship.
Perhaps a reason I am single still.
That it is not the way for me to start a relationship.
My failed relationships coming from Western dating standards as a success to that.
It doesn’t give me this stability what I am looking for the have this kind of love relationship.
And that is just that I guess.
However, when this Japanese guy was explaining a bit more about the different dating culture in his country. He also said that some Japanese people end their relationship after a few weeks, when they find they are not compatible.
And I believe I don’t need to explain that further, what this kind of compatibility means.
I believe the Japanese form of relationship is a framework where people can do these kinds of things.
As this Japanese guy said, people start having a relationship to go on a first date.
That sounds just sweet to me.
It comes across as a form of respect to come together.
If at all that is something I can say about this.
But somehow it does make sense to me.
It might release a kind of burden, leaving behind some kind of insecurity even perhaps.
When it comes to dating or doing things that we can do as expected when it comes to relationships.
It is more accepted in this way, I guess.
Or something I am just making out of this.
The point is, this is still not a guarantee to have a relationship.
Even if that is just a framework on doing these kinds of things.
Perhaps that is just what it is.
A framework to come together and do the things that are expected when it comes to relationships.
Whatever that truly means.
However, the question remains what the start is of a love relationship.