The start of a love relationship seems so simple.
Something I am thinking about after writing my last story : ‘What is the start of a love relationship?’
I mean, there are so many people together.
In a relationship I mean.
It can’t be that hard is what I am thinking.
In my previous story I am giving an example based on a story that I heard from a Japanese fellow.
On how Japanese people start having a relationship first, before going on a first date.
With this in mind, it seems quite simple I would say.
To start a relationship.
However, coming from the point of Western dating reality, it sounds a bit weird to me.
Where we perhaps like someone, then go on a date, have sex. Perhaps do that a couple of times and after a few months we call that a relationship to make it formal.
However, don’t ask me why that is so important.
And I believe in the quest of understanding what the start is of a relationship.
I believe it is the question to be asked first.
Is having a love relationship important?
As said in my previous story there are outlined paths, when it comes to dating.
Not a guarantee as such or saying that it should be like that.
I guess that is what this example of Western and Japanese dating is saying.
Since both have a different way of starting a relationship.
But as I am letting my thoughts just for what they are.
For once.
I am feeling, the world is surrounded by just that.
Or just my perspective on it.
It is the world as we have come to know.
That to have a relationship is important.
Or at least to be with someone.
It gives a form of existence.
And I guess that is true, I guess.
At least to some extent.
What is so important to have a relationship, you can think about that for yourself.
I mean, for all that can be different.
It can be cultural.
Perhaps linked with traditions, norms, values or for some even religion.
And those are just a few examples.
It can also be a form of escaping. Of war or a regime we live in.
That is for some the truth.
But the question that raised my mind, is it really?
Is it really that important?
To have a relationship.
To be with someone, to start with.
Perhaps that is the start of a relationship.
Just to be with someone.
What does it really mean, is the underlying current.
Perhaps even the root of what should be changed.
What are the benefits that are gained to have such a thing?
Since to me a relationship seems more like an object to me.
Don’t ask me why.
I am just distancing myself in this way.
I mean, what are really the benefits of a relationship?
Are relationships there because of the society we live in?
To be accepted by others?
Or to fulfill a need in ourselves?
I know this sounds a bit negative.
However, for a lot of people this is a form of reality.
Without even knowing they are living it.
Why not just mention it the way it is.
And that is not a particular question.
It is just that I am questioning what the benefits are of a relationship.
Not merely a question of why.
And more specifically, why should I.
However perhaps that is the question that I should be thinking about.
Asking myself or I should raise.
Because the world as I know seems alright.
Me alone with my thoughts and sometimes that is already quite a lot.
What could a relationship add to that?
What I try to say is that I don’t feel I am missing out on anything and what I see in the world around me, it doesn’t really seem that important.