Working in a restaurant I see a lot of people.
Young, old, women, men, blondes and couples of every age and race.
‘A representation of the world’, someone once told me.
It never appeared to me like this or how I looked at it and it surprised me a little bit that this is what this person has said.
It is just to say, that there is much more happening than people just coming to eat some food.
At least this is the way I experience working in a restaurant.
Perhaps because I am interested in what is happening or I am just an anthropologist, interested in human society and relationships.
It is not just that I am a spectator of what is happening, but I also believe that there is something in it for me.
Not just an outsider looking at the world in front of me, serving people, watching if they are done eating their food and finished drinks.
I am just someone to understand how the world goes round to find that place that belongs to me.
Courageous, a word that comes to mind.
I see it as a platform to understand what holds ground.
A form of self development, to clear a path or make space for what to come.
It is that I heard some girl talking about her religion and how she was speaking about sin.
In particular about people who are gay.
It wasn’t that I was overhearing, but she was speaking so loud, that for sure I wasn’t the only one to hear what she was saying.
Full of her belief, spreading it around.
I couldn’t make sense of the people at the table she was ‘talking’ to, were people she wanted to convince.
It didn’t seem to me that the others knew her in a personal way.
It made me question if this was the place where this was supposed to be said, in the first place.
I am far from religious, but still have my opinion.
Because eating food for me has nothing to do with preaching or talking to people to convince them in any way.
I believe it is about spending time with someone and getting to know that person better.
Even if that is without saying a word and staring at your phone, watching content on social media.
Or just to sit and let things around you happen. Being a spectator of other people.
Eating food can be a celebration of a new beginning.
Mostly of age, is what I have seen.
To enjoy each other’s company or listen to what other people are saying.
And even while I was not sitting at a table eating food, being just a waitress serving food.
I was hearing something the girl was saying.
For some reason I couldn’t believe my ears, perhaps amazed by what she was spreading.
It was blowing my mind.
Living in 2023, condemning people about what she believed was right.
The words she spoke. ‘My brother loves all people, but still it is a sin to be gay’.
Please don’t ask me the context of this phrase.
This is just what I heard and it made me a little mad.
How can someone think that this is allowed to say about people in God’s name.
Perhaps 20 minutes later, she said something about Jehova’s witness, that is why I know it was connected to God in some way. At least to Jesus. Because she said his name a lot of times.
Almost like she knew him personally.
I thought it was all a bit odd, because it wasn’t making me feel good.
I know it is not my place to judge anything, but perhaps I am already on that road.
I don’t think it is a good thing to speak about others in this way.
Connecting gays with sin’s. There is much more to it.
I believe speaking in public about others in that way is also not so clean.
The more she was talking and I was hearing her voice, I was disconnecting from what I was hearing, because simply, I was getting tired of her words.
It wasn’t uplifting in any way.
If I was in the position to give her a name, I would call her Karen.
That was just for me to make sense why she was saying these things.
Just to let some people know how they are doing it better than others.
A form of living that is one of many.
In any form of religion, I don’t think that is the meaning of life.
But enough of that.
To come to the point of what I believe needs to be said.
We all are looking for some love.
To understand the meaning of life and or perhaps just to be a spectator of a show on Netflix.
I believe as long as we don’t put our own opinion on other people, no harm will be done.
Even if they are living a sinful life.
Let them have it, because it is not your problem.
It is not about that other person, but just a love of self.
I hope this makes sense and you know what I mean.