There are some stories that I am reading.
About women, where they find a partner, that is already in a relationship with another woman.
I am always amazed, because I always read that every single woman in these stories are telling that ‘they shouldn’t be doing that’.
However they continue with the guy, because there are stories outthere where the man chooses to be with ‘the other woman’.
This is something they are holding on to.
I am not saying that they shouldn’t be holding on to anything, but I am amazed by the fact that they start this kind of ‘relationship’, with that they already questions themselves, if it is a smart thing to do.
With saying this, I am just giving back the responsibility to these women who either are or starting to have ‘anything’ with someone, that is either already commited, or even married (with kids).
With that said, I once already wrote something about this topic that is connected with women having a relationship. Let me put it like this.
The story is about women taking their responsibility. Not so much that they are involved with a commited man as such. But more that they complain when the man is leaving.
It is where I question, what is it that these women can do for themselves.
The title of the story is : ‘Cheating as a way out..’
However this current story is a bit different.
It is more my opinion about these stories with women involved with commited men.
Perhaps not only for women, but also for men.
It could be an eye opener, to handle and perhaps even avoid these situations.
Because the fact is, that sometimes out of these relationships with ‘the other woman’, children are born.
Or children are born because of these ‘get togethers’.
With this story and epiphany of my opinion I can not prevent that this is happening.
I believe that souls come to life, on purpose.
But a lot of sorrow can be prevented.
Tears and heartbreak, that shouldn’t have to happen.
In the first place.
What it is that I would like to ask to these woman who are involved with a man that is already commited, in any kind of way.
Is it really love?
Because every time that I read these stories, I believe that the man involved don’t really know what they are doing.
In one of the stories I was reading, that he even lied to his wife to spend extra hours with the other woman.
And he even wrote messages with ‘I love you’.
My immediate thought was : ‘isn’t he just saying that, so he can get what he want?’
Whatever that might be.
I am surely no devil’s advocate.
I just believe that we, as woman, can say no to certain behavior and that even if the commited man is acting in a certain way.
Who says that is truly love?
Is it something that we want to believe, so we don’t have to take responsibility for our own behavior?
Or is it a craving of wanting, because we are actually hurt and lonely from the inside?
I am just saying.
Especially in the beginning, when we first start to meet that other being.
It is we need to be clear about what we accept.
You can also can call it ‘boundaries’.
But I understand that they sometimes choose to be with ‘the other woman’ and sometimes they stay in the marriage.
I always wonder what is behind it.
Because there is most of the time more at stake, what meets the surface.
And for me the questions remains :
Is it really love?