Sometimes we have a conversation and we don’t know that it can lead to something.
It doesn’t also have to concern something love related.
I believe even most of the time it has nothing to do with that.
Just to say that something like this can happen.
To have a conversation that can lead to something.
That we think afterwards, perhaps even in that moment that it is something to remember or that we didn’t know that it could be anything like that at all, in the first place.
‘An amazement of life’, I would like to call it.
Just something I thought of.
And this story is an example of that.
That we don’t know anything, until we arrive at that moment.
That is already something to write a story about.
Perhaps even a book.
However, let me start with finishing this one first.
As I am wondering off a bit, about what it is I will be writing about.
It is that we can only know certain things when we get to that place where it happens.
For us to realize that it is something.
Something that can only be here on earth.
Conversations we are having. Thoughts we are thinking.
Feelings we are feelings.
Among the things that can happen.
Perhaps even looking for love.
That remains a question for me.
Since, for not all it is important to do that.
To look for love.
I don’t know if I fall in that category and if I have the right assests to even do such a thing.
That I am capable enough for that kind of job.
Looking for love.
However, somehow I have been writing about this topic already for some time.
I believe when I am writing this now, it is about 2 years. Already.
Not a complaint, just a remark that I am making.
If it is a long time, I will leave that up to your judgment.
Because when it comes to writing there isn’t anything that is reminding me about time.
It just writes what it wants to be said.
And that sounds good to me.
No worry, no rush.
Nobody telling me what to do.
Or how to perform.
Just the words that are here on this paper.
As a matter of speech.
But when it comes to doing certain things.
Perhaps even a purpose we are calling it.
Like looking for love.
I have to say not everyone has their mind set to that.
It is what I believe at least.
That is not a blame, just a form of reality that is out there.
I guess that is just what it is.
And that is bringing me back to that conversation I had a few days ago.
That was a reason for me to write this story.
It made me think.
That certain things still are happening.
In the year of 2024.
The conversation was about a person that was inviting women and was paying for them.
And that is where that story ended.
I didn’t know much more than that.
I mean, I don’t know if she had any kind of business in that.
Just that he was paying her.
That he wasn’t looking for love, is for sure I guess.
My mind was filling in that space he was paying for certain things that apparently still happen in 2024.
To say, I don’t understand quite well.
That these kinds of things still happen.
When I heard about this in that conversation, at first I became a bit angry.
That certain men do this.
I even felt disgusted, in some sort of way.
Then I thought about the women that are letting them.
I mean, there are two sides at stake here.
Not to say it is something personal.
Something between that man and woman, happening.
But more to say that in general people are doing these things to each other.
I believe that is what is happening here.
Not particularly someone that is wrong, but more that the two of them, as a representation, are doing this.
I mean to say that there is so much we don’t know about this situation and the reaction to it.
Perhaps the filling of what it all is, says something about ourselves.
A feeling that we are better, we don’t do these kinds of things.
Or perhaps a reflection of something that we think should be happening, to prevent this.
And as much as I would like to say something about this.
The more I think about it.
The less there is for me to express.
What I try to say is the way we respond, the emotions we feel, perhaps even the thoughts we think are bound to us.
Not so much in any kind of situation, but more also when we think about other people.
How they should be acting or behaving.
Amazed by their actions or what they are doing.
However this moment of reflection of who we are.
Seen in the light of others.
The way that I was amazed about these people.
One paying for ‘love’, the other one receiving it.
It can only happen, when we arrive at that moment, or as an example, hearing a conversation.
Where I participated shortly.
In case you wanted to know.
Or wondered if I did.
To conclude we already know that there are people on earth not looking for love.
A realization when I was writing this story.
It made me think if there is actually someone on earth that does?