It was a message on my phone that I saw coming in.
I don’t know anymore if I was excited or not.
That feeling can sometimes be a bit the same.
I must have been tired for sure.
I was excited when I saw the name of the person on the screen of my phone.
We shared good moments. However texting wasn’t one of them.
It didn’t mean it was leaving me unnoticed.
The words I had a hard time to understand.
Perhaps even, because they were not my own.
However the message was clear.
Something that was, that needed to stop.
He wasn’t feeling it, to be in a relationship, at this moment.
His first words.
‘I think you are amazing and super beautiful and hope we can be friends and still hang out as I like being with you’. He put a picture of a hand with a thumb up and also another picture with two hands to each other. A sign of being thankful, I guessed.
I don’t know what he really wanted to say with these two emoticons.
Maybe he needed that confirmation for himself and being thankful for him to write this message.
Something what I questioned.
His mind was clear about this. This was what it was. Not really a discussion.
Or an opening for me to say anything about it.
This message had nothing to do with me.
As he started the message, that he was not feeling it, to be in a relationship, in this moment.
I think the moment was really not important, as it had nothing to do with me in the first place.
And I think it perhaps even shouldn’t have.
But the lack of a real existence of me in this message made me wonder.
Shouldn’t breaking up be as much as possible comforting, soothing, caring for the person that is getting broken up with?
Or is the world becoming a one man show, where we don’t have to really take responsibility for other people’s feelings and existence?