What if we are lovers?
Tag: Netflix
You can always cry about it
I was watching ‘The Crown’.
There were new episodes and it was being promoted on social media for people to watch.
I am not going to name the broadcaster of that show, as I think we all know who that is.
I had ended or paused my account for some time.
I wasn’t watching anything at that moment and to me the options there were then, were too limited.
A cut in my expenses.
Not necessary, but just that it wasn’t worth paying for.
For the simple fact, I wasn’t watching anything.
Why pay for something I am not using?
It is about a love of self
Working in a restaurant I see a lot of people.
Young, old, women, men, blondes and couples of every age and race.
‘A representation of the world’, someone once told me.
It never appeared to me like this or how I looked at it and it surprised me a little bit that this is what this person has said.
It is just to say, that there is much more happening than people just coming to eat some food.
Love, don’t take me for granted
I finished watching the movie.
The movie that I was talking about in my previous story and I wrote a story about : ‘A love match made on Earth’.
It was still one hour that I needed to watch and I have to say it didn’t disappoint me one single bit.
In the second part that I was watching this movie, it was confirmed that the souls were applying for a place on Earth.
As for some the message was that they needed to have some additional factor to be able to perform this job. It was for others to be in control of their emotions, to not get caught up by their feelings or to take the interview process seriously.
There was also one girl that I was despising from the beginning.
I couldn’t really put my finger on it.
For a second I even thought that I was jealous of her.
A love match made on Earth
I was watching a movie called Nine days on Netflix.
I started over my subscription many times, to change the algorithm and to be able to see different movies.
Not only to have a relief of watching the genre of movies, but starting over in general feels like a relief to me.
So, I was watching this movie ‘Nine days’, about the selection process before souls make it to earth.
I don’t know if you can call it an intermezzo before coming here.
But as many application processes on earth, for finding a job, in that light it made sense to my mind.