To say, to live a life, it is important to have.
A source to live from, to feel good about ourselves. To know we will make it one day rely on the fact that we can bounce back and overcome those hurdles of life that are sometimes a pain in the ass.
Tag: Earth
Death can gives us a purpose to live and love
On the topic of loneliness there is something else I’d like to mention.
Perhaps something in a more positive light.
Because when I think of being alone, or lonely.
To me it feels like a bad taste in my mouth.
The epiphany of the following story actually came from some of my own words.
A love match made on Earth
I was watching a movie called Nine days on Netflix.
I started over my subscription many times, to change the algorithm and to be able to see different movies.
Not only to have a relief of watching the genre of movies, but starting over in general feels like a relief to me.
So, I was watching this movie ‘Nine days’, about the selection process before souls make it to earth.
I don’t know if you can call it an intermezzo before coming here.
But as many application processes on earth, for finding a job, in that light it made sense to my mind.