‘You are too dominant’.
Was something that was said to me.
I believe it was just about a week ago.
I had to think a little bit about this, before I said anything in return.
However, I don’t think I said anything.
I just stayed silent, instead.
I didn’t wonder why.
In case you were thinking that.
Because why should I.
That conversation continued.
However I think it was more a monologue from this person.
That I was too strong and I was walking over this guy, this person was referring to.
And I guess it was just right.
But if that makes me dominant, is something I thought about.
Only because someone says something, it doesn’t mean it is the truth.
I never wondered if that was the case.
That I was dominant.
Just that it was something that was said to me.
Why is it a bit of a question.
But nothing that made me think I was or wasn’t.
No form of identity that I felt connected to.
Something I identified with, so to speak.
And that is where I left it for a little bit.
Because, yes, I did think about it after that monologue ended.
However, nothing that made my head spin.
Just that I thought it was weird to say to someone else.
Since being dominant, doesn’t really say anything.
At least when there is no reference to say it.
You know, it was said to me without any background to it.
I mean, there wasn’t something we talked about in this sense.
Not a particular conversation, that would be a base to start from.
It all came to me a bit out of blue.
I was surprised, at least.
And that says more about this person that said it to me.
Because we can metaphorically walk over someone or hear that we are ‘too dominant’.
What is really interesting is the reason behind it.
Why is this happening in the first place?
And I can say, most of the time it has nothing to do about the person that is being called this.
Dominant or anything else.
There really is no difference.
If you think about it, you know this is just right.
But when the context is missing, it doesn’t hold ground.
At least not to me.
And I believe this is also why I stayed silent.
Perhaps even the lesson is that we can say something we think is right to express.
However, without any story behind it, it doesn’t hold anything.
It could say something about the person that is saying these words.
As a reflection to them.
Or just that they are wanting to be interesting and saying things that just don’t make sense.
Maybe it is just in their own mind.
That is also possible, of course.
Somehow it has become normal that we can say whatever we want without thinking or understanding what it actually means.
To other people, and of course what it means for ourselves, in the first place.
And I think that is really a problem.
To say things without a solid ground.
Only because it is available to say or speak.
That is no freedom of speech to me.
It is just foolish, if you would ask me.
Because yes, I can ‘walk over’ someone.
I can come across too strong or just vulnerable.
Which could mean the same thing.
In its essence.
Whatever is important to know is that we sometimes have to be someone in a specific situation.
In a certain context, with some kind of background.
What I try to say is that things don’t always just happen without any reason.
There is always more to a story.
Then the simple fact of being something that someone calls us.
It doesn’t say anything about us as a person.
It is just a moment in history of our own legacy.
If at all I have to name it.
Strong wouldn’t fit the bill.
It just means we are human and we are loving ourselves enough to not let anyone take away a part of ourselves that belongs to us.